First of all, I'm not the best at formatting on Reddit. If something looks off, I'll try fix it by editting.
This device was sent to me by Moti Vape for testing and this review.
I've been using this kit for a few weeks now. I'm pretty late posting so my apologies to Moti. Life has had me busy but here we are.
Moti is a new-ish company and has mainly been making pod systems. I've received several of their pre-filled original Moti Kits as a bonus from orders. Eightvape likes throwing them in my boxes as free gifts. I liked those but that 50mg nic content knocks me on my ass. Wish empty pods were more readily available at a decent price.
On the back of my Moti product boxes it says, "Designed by Meta Lab Inc. in Las Vegas NV". Eightvape is also in Vegas, not sure if they have a relationship.
These come in a nice box. One of the first things I noticed when opening it was, the device itself looks beautiful. The colors, especially the Blue version looks very nice. It comes with an empty e liquid bottle to help with filling I guess? It's a nice touch. One pod though? I think 2 pods per kit should be pretty much standard. The Micro USB cable is very nice and has sort of a snake skin outer coating.
One refillable pod (open system)
MOTI One Device
Usb charging cable
User's manual
Empty E Liquid Bottle
Product Size: 28.0x14.4x66.8mm
Refillable Tank Capacity: 1.85mL
Resistance: 1.0 ฮฉ
Power Output: 12.5W
Built-in battery: 350mAh
Charging Current: 0.3A
The Device
When I first wanted to use it, I didn't notice there is a power button. I didn't read the instructions. I thought it was just draw activated like something like a Caliburn. I kept sucking and messing with the pod and it wasn't working. I finally noticed the little button and clicked it 5 times. That's a nice feature I guess if you'd like to power the device off on occasion. The button doubles as a LED light. It comes on while taking drags. It's not bothersome or annoying though. The light flashes solid 3 times when turning it off or on.
The Pod
The pod can go in either way. I haven't disected one yet to see what's under the hood (what kind of wire or coil). The pod feels nice on my mouth, very smooth. They have some sort of spring loaded thing where the fill port is. I've read about people not liking these. Not really sure how prone to failure they are but mines been fine.ย
The pods are held in place by two magnets in the contact area of the device. They stay secure, and don't rattle around or anything.
This is sort of Caliburn esque. The airflow comes in from a combination of through the devices micro usb port, and around where the pod meets the metal casing of the device (I think). The draw is also Caliburn esque. Flavor is pretty good for what this is. Does it beat the Caliburn in the flavor department? No, but it's either on par with it or not far behind. They perform similarly, but there's subtle differences. It performs well enough that I enjoy taking it out with me and using it. It's small and smooth so it slides right in and out of pockets.
I'm not going to do pros and cons because this is a very simple device. I think it's a bit late to the market. It feels a bit "last year" with how fast the industry moves. Everybody and their uncle is making "Pod Mods" now. They're racing in another direction because the market is so flooded with these simple "Pod Systems".
For newer companies who want to make their mark, I think they should try to get a lot stores to carry their stuff. Sometimes it's hard to find pods for lesser known companies. They really should be competitively priced as well. I found empty pods for the original Moti, but they were $14 for four. Caliburn pods are like $8 for four. Guess what I ordered? If the prices are low, I think more stores will take a chance on it. Once established, then make that "flagship" device and charge whatever you want. I dunno, I'm not a buisness man lol. That's just what I was thinking.
This is a nice little pod kit. Once the pod burns out will I buy more? I'll be on the look out for sure. I don't know if there's much else to say. It's small, nice looking, and vapes pretty good for a simple little pod kit. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Moti Piin
Moti was kind enough to send me some of these prefilled disposable devices. They're pretty nice looking. I tried a few hits of one and holy hell they're strong (50mg salt nic). The Blue Berry Parfait flavor is nice but has a cooling effect. I took three drags and think I'm done vaping for a few hours. My god, that's just too much for me. I think it might be bad timing for these because I think lawmakers are trying to ban prefilled pod flavors. These are nice though I guess. The draw is about perfect and the shape is really nice.
Thanks for reading if you did.
Author: Jedi from Reddit